So about 2 years ago there was this guy I saw across the way at a pool party. He was mysterious. He had this presence about him that instantly drew me to him. And I couldn't figure out how I was going to get some face time.
As I sat on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water with the other girls, I casually asked my friend who he was. She raved about how sweet this man of mystery was and how much she loved having him around.
I'm a pretty forward girl. If I see something I want, I'm usually not afraid to ask for it. But this time, things were different.
I hid behind my sunglasses and pretended not to be watching his every move. I also pretended my placement both in the pool and later at the dinner table wasn't strategic in getting directly in his line of vision.
Here's something you need to know men ... we know you notice us. Why? Because we're smart enough to make sure you don't have any other options. It's a game we, as a species, have mastered. And we're proud of it.
When you pretend not to notice us, we abort mission and forget you even exist. When you notice us, pretend to be interested, and then don't ask us out ... we get nasty.
I digress.
This guy was incredible. He had a quiet confidence that actually made me a little weak in the knees. He made me feel comfortable in my own skin. He told me about his love for filmmaking, cooking and hosting people at his home. And to be honest, I had already chalked the day up to a huge success.
Why? Because for one full afternoon, I had kept his attention. And it was nice. But I had very low expectations for this to go beyond the allotted time of the party.
Until that fateful afternoon, no one had asked me out since I had moved to L.A. Did you catch that? No one. I was fresh meat that had already expired by that point. I was nearing my one-year anniversary of being an Angelina and another wave of hot, talented transplants had already infiltrated our city and into the line of vision of my prospects.
So you must imagine my surprise when he walked up to me at the end of the pool party and asked for my number and invited (or told) me to join him for dinner at his place the next weekend.
If I were given more time to think about it, I would probably have danced around the issue because ... well ... I didn't know how to accept an invitation. I didn't have much practice with that part. Usually, I hung out with people in a group long enough that everyone else just told you you were dating and that was it.
But he asked. And that was far more than anyone else had the balls to do. So I said, yes.
Men: Ask.Her.Out.
Women: Just.Say.Yes.
And like my friend Jason mentioned, this doesn't have to be 'the one.' Probably isn't. But how sucky would it be if you missed out on the possibility just because you chickened out?
So. This week ladies ... if a guy has the guts to ask you out and they're not a creeper ... just.say.yes.
Stop waiting for the douche bag with the cool hair and fancy clothes to approach you to ask for anything more than a pen to write the bimbo's number down who was in line before you. There's probably a guy across the way that notices you and is about to ask you to go on one of the best dates you've ever been on. And I think he deserves a chance.
Here's to the brave men out there who ask.her.out ... and the women who just.say.yes.