Through their journeys they met witches and false fortune tellers, even big bad wolves.
Along the way, they met each other. Both with ambition in their eyes and an undeniable passion.
These little girls grew to become women of faith, love and hope for one another. They shared stories, fought each other's dragons and even shared the same dream of that far away land.
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In a moment of authentic beauty, the little girl inside of me witnessed the woman I hope to become.
As I frolicked in fields of clovers and watched as Stacy Day danced at sunset with her prince charming in a patch of wild flowers, I remembered the ache for belonging and the craving to feel beautiful that I have ignored. In this moment I was reminded that I am most beautiful when I'm me ... the little girl with big dreams ... hoping for a chance to make it in a far away land.

Photos by: Ali Bagheri (
Awesome pictures.
That is beautiful. It's always nice to find yourself again, even if chiggers find you in the process.
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