1. I got to stay with Alice the night before after our weekly outing in Hollywood so that I wouldn't have to fight traffic in the morning.

2. I spent some time waiting in line at the Chinese consulate for our EMBAs. The experience was actually quite rewarding. Here I was in the middle of L.A. and I had people look at me and move on to the next person in order to ask a question because I was the only one that didn't speak their language. Interesting really. How did they know I didn't speak (fill in the blank)? Is it that obvious?
3. Instead of driving all the way back to my office, I spent the afternoon downtown. I sat for a few hours and worked at the public library. I sat at a Starbucks that was nestled in the shadows of all the skyscrapers with the rest of the business professionals. And the best part ... they spelled my name right on my drink!!
4. I even managed to come across a bit of nature in the midst of the invigorating chaos of the big city.
I'm telling you. Yesterday was just one of those days that reminded me why I decided to move to a city that already had 11 million people. I felt completely alive and rejuvinated and was, consequently, more productive than most days I spend in my office.
I wonder what would happen if everyone were able to choose the environment they were most alive and work remotely from that spot.
Well, first of all, the 'remote', nature-filled areas of the country would become a lot less peaceful, as millions would flock there to work, thereby flip-flopping what was highly populated with what was not.
Secondly.... well, I don't have a secondly except to say I'm not really sure what kind of environment I'd actually choose. This will take some thought.
this makes me long for nyc.
there is a girl at the starbucks here who always writes "Mr. Forgetful" on my cup. i have asked her numerous times what has prompted this nomenclature and she just smiles, in a conniving sort of way.
baffling. or maybe i am just forgetting something?
it made me long for nyc too. but l.a. will do!
have you been to the standard rooftop bar? talk about feeling IN la...that is one crazy amazing spot *with excellent edemame* :)
i've wanted to go, but haven't had the chance. it's hard to get in on the nights i'm available. i'm sure i'll blog about it after the divine experience ;)
I can tell you what would happen...people would feel energized, happy, and productive almost every day (well not every day is perfect). The best thing is that we wouldn't have to choose one location and commit to it, we could move at will, instantly gratifying our need for inspiration.
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