isn't it beautiful?
i love fountains ... there's something mysteriously elegent about them. so timeless and full of stories of lovers that have walked passed, homeless that have bathed in them and lost souls wandering by in hopes of finding retreat in the echo of its falling water.
today i sat next to this fountain in hopes that the water's loudness would cancel out my own thoughts and provide a nice companionship to my loneliness. but just as i was really finding my chi, a woman walked up to the fountain as i was sitting there and began talking to the fountain. she looked so concerned ... as if her and the fountain have been friends for a while. she was holding a rusty penny and at the end of her monologue, she dropped the penny into the water, making sure it hit the bottom.
she stood there a minute, nodded, and then walked away.
i glanced at the fountain, then at her, then at the fountain again, wondering if i had just missed something.
and then i realized that when she walked up to the fountain, i had just been having a similar conversation with my Dream Maker, hoping that this time i would say the right thing or offer up the right coin to receive the response i desperately needed. funny how we see God sometimes huh?
He was probably thinking i'd be better off dropping in a few cents into the fountain.