Friday, November 21, 2008

i don't think i've ever considered myself a real feminist. (stop laughing)

i will admit to getting a little fired up about equal rights for women, but i could say the same for just about any other human being no matter what gender, age, race or ethnicity they may be. it's what i'm passionate about.

but today definitely had a hint of girl power that is usually reserved for my inner most thoughts.

i texted vince first thing this morning about my recently observed downside to getting the puppy we've been dreaming about for the past year. i told him i ran into multiple puppy owners this morning on my way to work who seemed to be up much earlier than they would have liked - all on the account of taking their little fur balls out for a morning walk to relieve themselves. the conversation ensues:
v: i'll probably keep him outside.
k: ok. phew. HEY!! why does it have to be a him?
v: haha
k: oh my gosh. i'm a feminist aren't i?
v: yes.
k: what's that like? to be dating a feminazi?
v: pretty crazy

hmmm ...

THEN, i got into a fun little discussion with one of our top faculty members about the new office arrangements i'm making in celebration of my promotion this week. i said, "i think i'll put a couch over there for the students to hang out ... you know ... create a little living space for them to collaborate and exchange ideas about changing the world. ooo ... and a lamp in the corner would be pretty sweet too ..."
faculty member: i wouldn't get a couch if i were you.
me: why?
faculty member: it'll look bad.
me: it's not like i'm going to keep the door shut.
faculty member: don't take this the wrong way. but you're a woman. the only people who can pull that off those three guys at the end of the hall. sorry, it's a double standard, but that's the way it is. you'll never get away with it.
me: that's dumb. why can't i hang with the big boys?
faculty member: you want to hang with the big boys.
me: oh, i'll hang with the big boys alright. i think they're just afraid i'll win.

who says that?? i work in academe. an MBA program no less. not exactly the place for a 25-year-old female to be touting her awesomeness. this is the quintessential gentleman's club. i mean, i'd fair much better in the private sector at this point.

so here's to all the women who fought for me to even have a voice to make arrogant comments in the presence of a man. and my deepest apologies for embarrassing you by opening my mouth instead of simply tearing them to shreds with my intellect and innovative strategies. :) muahahaha (evil laugh)

oh, and to my boyfriend. who is clearly a saint.


Korey said...

Okay first of all, I was in denial about my own feminism for a long time, and then i see my mouth opening when i hear a rude comment and I find myself saying things...but if we abandon feminism now, what would happen? It's vital.

Second, most people want female dogs because they think they are better-behaved and there are usually more unwanted male dogs. So the animal activist in me applauds your boyfriend for wanting a boy dog. I have one, and he's great.

Third, having a puppy is like having a newborn. They wake you up all night crying, and you have to take care of their bodily functions and feed them by hand...and then they get older and they have all these emotional needs and physical requirements, and I am convinced that they also become teenagers really quickly and even though they can't "talk" back, they become defiant and...yeah, it's a LOT of work. And similar to what I've heard of childbirth, you forget how hard it was and how tired and annoyed you were after the right amount of time, and you want another one, which is where I am now. Just remember: dogs teethe, need to be potty trained, AND they eat shoes.

Lastly, get a couch and LET THEM DEAL. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I strongly believe that an older man (especially one with a penchant for younger women) should not have a couch in his office and that probably only women should. Sorry guys. We're safer. FIGHT IT! Whenever you have the chance you must fight!

kim said...

ok the couch thing just makes me mad.
get a freaking couch if you want to and smack your colleagues around with your fearless, aggressive commitment to integrity and stylish work environments.