but what happened last week in mumbai really put a few things into perspective for me.
i think we can all agree that it was devastating. but for many, it may have been easier to disconnect because it seemed so far away.
what i couldn't shake was this...

and this ...

and then back to this on my t.v. screen ...

it has been less than a year since i stood in front (and ate inside) of the beautiful taj hotel in mumbai.
those kids ... they walk past the courtyard of the luxurious monument twice a day to get to and from school. they were dancing around together until they realized i had a fancy camera. i remember that day so clearly. and the only thing i could think about when i saw the news last wednesday was that i couldn't believe the country i love to visit was being terrorized.
i initially thought of how unfair it was that people had to go through this. ever. whether in africa, the middle east, the twin towers of new york, the ghettos of mexico ... no where is this acceptable.
and then i started thinking about my trip to india in february. i'm in the middle of the planning process right now and i thought, "it's not too late to cancel." but why? when is it ever ok for me (or anyone else for that matter) to ever cower from pursuing my dreams ... the things that really bring me to life ... all because of fear? am i any safer in downtown l.a.? isn't safety just an illusion anyway?
but what if i were there again ... by myself ... in a hotel room waiting for the knock on my door?
IF that were my situation. IF i were in a place where the worst acts of humanity manifested themselves right in front of me ... i would hope that i would remember why i was there.
i would hope that i would remember my dreams had brought me to that place in that time in history for a reason. i would hope that i would remain courageous and intentional. i would hope ... more than anything ... that my fears wouldn't blind me to the opportunity to give someone else a chance at the life that i have.
because i believe, now maybe more than ever, that everyone deserves a chance at the life God created them to live.
Great post!!!
Thanks for writing. Hope you're well.
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