Wednesday, July 30, 2008

so we have a core value at mosaic that says, "relevance to culture is not optional."

i love this.

it's challenging. compelling. and ultimately uncomfortable.

we exist to create culture ... not to conform to it or except the status quo. yet, in creating culture, there is a very distinct line (so i believe) between creating something relevant and creating something relevant to only christian sub-culture.

not to bash on christian radio, but it's such a prime example. why is it that i can tune in to their stations and hear, 86% of the time, a song that was released by a major christian artist almost ten years ago? has no one made any new music since i was in high school and college in that industry? i'm sure they have and i'm sure at least SOME of it can hang with the creative genius of some of our "secular" artist (hate that word by the way).

and if it can't ... uh ... that's a problem. don't you think?

1 comment:

M. Steve Heartsill said...

I'm with you on what you hear on Christian radio...sure seems as if everything is 20 years old, at least.

Then again, I think that is the business side of the work...paying their bills, giving in to their playlists, companies and agents miggling together a little too much for me.

I'd like to know where the new artists are as well...if you find them, let us all know.