Tuesday, September 30, 2008

well, who knew that we'd face the worst drop in dow history since my saga on grilled cheese?


this hysteria has caused me to go back to my discussion on fear again. a few notes from erwin this weekend at mosaic (a part of our "falling forward" series)

"whatever you fear establishes the boundaries of your freedom."

"if you do not learn to overcome your fears, you will not be present ... you will not show up ... when the world needs you most"

"we get trapped in the hollowness of religious activity instead of the reality of being human." (one of my personal favorites because i believe fear of interacting with people who are not exactly like us causes us to rely on religious rituals instead of love to heal a broken humanity. am i sounding like a hippie right now? eh. who cares.)

"when a person gets involved with something God cares about, they crash into Him." (soooo ... create space for people to do what they're talented at and then show them how it can change the world.)

"we are in a moment where if we rise above ourselves despite our fears, we have the potential to change the world."

the goal is not to fear losing our money, our fame, our reputation, ourselves.

the goal is to love more than we fear.

when this happens, our generosity will trump any $700 billion bail out plan. well .... maybe. :)

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