the first event:

i ride the metrolink. nearly every day.
what did this tragic event mean for me as i stepped onto the train this morning? a fight for a seat in the last car with nearly every other passenger that is usually dispersed throughout the length of the train.
but we all still rode this morning. despite the mass devastation of friday's crash. why? is it because we really don't fear the small probability of crashing into a freight train on our way to work? is it that we trust our conductor more than the driver's on the freeway that we would encounter if we drove? or is it that we trust someone else with our life more than we trust ourselves?
maybe it's not all that complicated. maybe we just can't afford gas and the train is the best option. but i'm still thinking this draws an interesting parallel to my personal life and how i see my fears driving my capacity to trust or be trustworthy.
stay tuned.
I don't know if I could've gotten on a train... I get a little freaked out riding the sub in Boston, and there haven't been any problems in a while.
it was tough, but i had to get to work! the worst part is knowing the freeways here in l.a. are so much worse! ugh.
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