but it's really difficult to have honest conversations with myself. i'm pretty good at keeping myself so busy that i simply don't have time to be introspective. and, frankly, when i do have a chance to make observations about my behaviors and the way i'm thinking/acting ... i quickly become overwhelmed and make the conscious decision to just.keep.moving.
erwin said something profound last week that got me thinking: 'it's amazing what will ruin your life when you're running scared.'
when he said that, i began to realize how unintentional my intentional life has been. and the things that i desperately need (and want for that matter) have been shoved out of my life by the things that i feel obligated to pay attention to for the sake of keeping up with the 'self' i have created. - whom, by the way, is not entirely accurate of the self that has been buried beneath the labels and self-proclamations.-
it's a process. a really freaking long process.
and i'm getting there.
it just takes a few really really honest conversations at the right moment, to understand that sometimes ... you just need to stop moving before you can get anywhere.
so. i'm on pause, so-to-speak. hoping that things will become more clear when i stop trying to chase, run from or even stay pace with the world i've created for myself.

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