Wednesday, April 18, 2007


(October 30th, 2006)

i was blessed to have the opportunity to attend mosaic’s yelo event this weekend. it’s basically an experience on character development and maximizing leadership potential based on one’s natural strengths.
here are some of the points that really stood out to me:
- we move from foolishness to wisdom through faithfulness and perseverance
- perseverance happens when trials come … standing and thriving under paressure … wisdom is developed in the crucible of perseverance
- greed: it’s not about wanting more, but about what you think you deserve
- generosity isn’t how much you give, but how much it costs you
- humility/ambition: are you serving other people? if so, are you doing it out of selfish reasons? why are you serving other people?
- courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the absence of self
- if you’re serious about character development: are you willing to change? what are you willing to do to change?

relational intelligence is a learned behavior:
- develop a pulse for your emotional health. it’s all about reading your emotions - why you feel those emotions
- gaining an accurate self-assessment - knowing who you are and who you aren’t

our greatest capacity/opportunity is found in our strengths. we tend to define ourselves by what we’re not doing well, but we need to focus on what we’re already doing at a level of excellence.

if you’re curious … my strengths according to the strengths finder test by the gallup organization - woo, achiever, learner, futuristic and arranger.
my myers-briggs - ENTJ

begin to own what you’re good at.

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