Friday, April 18, 2008

since i've moved to the center of l.a., i've found myself in a constant state of movement. i like it. i really do.

but here's the deal.

i've spent my entire california life being far enough away from the action that it wasn't feasible for me to be involved, that now i'm kicking it into overdrive (it seems) to make up for lost time.

it's ok that i only have one free evening. but it's not so much ok that there are multiple nights where i'm trying to do two or three things in one evening. why do i think it's ok to come straight home, cram a work out into my schedule, change, race downstairs to the metro, go to a meeting and then try and make it to a social event afterwards? seriously. that's ridiculous.

so i'm going to spend some time this weekend prioritizing ... after i finish my retreat, go to scribble, catch a movie with some friends, hang out in orange county and work a full day at the mayan. hmmm ...


Korey said...



mandy said...

oh i'm tired just reading this.
don't forget to breathe!