Monday, May 11, 2009

an outdoor affair

i don't like walls. or boundaries. or being in confined spaces (whether emotional, spiritual or physical).

i've built plenty of walls in my time. some were useful, most ... not. i've learned that boundaries have a purpose ... sometimes. and i've noticed that being in confined spaces are good every once in a while for building character.

but i've also come to value the importance of tearing down, rebuilding and expanding.

which is why my wedding will be outside. my wedding will be outside because things just seem more real there. the sound of the waves crashing as opposed to an air conditioner vent churning in the background. beams of sunlight as opposed to florescents. the fresh scent of the pacific air as opposed to the recycled staleness of an old building.

my wedding will be outside because that's where i realized God is everywhere. it's where my heart has found peace and my mind renewal on the bumpy road of my spiritual journey.

my wedding will be outside because this event is to signify union and a new beginning. and i can't do that in a place that makes me wonder if we really do believe that God exists beyond the walls of our exclusive religious rituals and narrow corridors.

this outdoor affair is to symbolize faith, hope and love through the relationship vince and i have built ... which, by the way, continues to defy all reason and requires much more space for creativity, innovation and random turns along the way than any location we could find in los angeles.

beyond my own issues with immovable objects ... i feel that everyone deserves at least one day to be around people who love them, to soak in the beauty around them and just have some space to process all the questions and thoughts that have been floating around for far too long.

and i'm hoping our outdoor affair will be the perfect place for those conversations to happen.

1 comment:

Korey O said...


This is nice. And I completely agree about being outdoors. What better temple has He built than nature?

And nature heals itself, whereas the walls of most churches hold a lot of ... well, "bad." Not a place for the forming of a new family.

Of course the bottom line is that you have to do what is right for you, because this is your wedding, and it's about creating your family. The beauty of this is that it can be WHATEVER you want it to be.