Wednesday, November 14, 2007

so there's this spot right in front of my house that has been magical for me. it's just past the front gate of my little white picket fence and in the safety of vince's car. with flashers on and cars whizzing by, there is always a quiet moment before i turn to step out onto the sidewalk. and then ...

words come out of his mouth that i never thought i would hear anyone say to me. words that describe the person i feel that i am but that is so often misunderstood. words that cause me to stop breathing ... to sit speechless.

a good friend once told me, a long time ago, that there would come a day when someone would be able to see everything about me that no one else could. they would be able to describe the person that burns beneath the harsh exterior, begging to be heard and understood.

i didn't believe her.

but this has become one of my favorite places in the world.

1 comment:

Korey said...

What a beautiful post. You are changing, and you have grown to appreciate the beauty in that change. I'm so glad you can revel in it.