Monday, July 7, 2008

some of you out there may be thinking the chances of you getting into heaven are diminishing as each day closes. i get that. i've had those days too.

some of you would prefer hell over a sing-along in the sky or spending eternity with people from your childhood church that gave you the "fire and brimstone" speeches. i get that too.

but, seriously, if hell is anything like jury duty ... i'm out.

i sat in the same chair, in the same wood paneled-fluorescent-lit-stuffy room full of miserably disturbed individuals for four and a half hours.

four and a half hours.

the same chair.

next to the same guy who had increasingly more stale coffee/morning breath as each second passed.

i couldn't read, couldn't hold a conversation, couldn't even make a to-do list about what i would do if i were not in that wretched room.

all kidding aside and sparing you further rantings on this topic ...

well, except for this one: how much do you think the economy suffers each day with the amount of people who miss a full work day simply sitting in a room for 8 hours?

sorry. sidetracked ... my point ...

i'm convinced that hell is one giant waiting room full of people who feel like they're missing out on something better, but can't do anything about it.

and that would suck.

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