Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I've hit some sort of milestone.

I paid someone to come clean my house.


This either means I realize that I can't do everything in the minimal 24 hours in a day, that I've made it big or that I'm ridiculously lazy.

I don't really care which one it is at this point because my house looks amazing and I didn't even break a sweat or gag!! I actually stayed in all night AND had a phone conversation while sitting on my kitchen floor (which, before today, I only walked across with flip-flops guarding my feet).

What's next? Laundry? Maybe.

1 comment:

kim said...

You go, girl. No shame there. I did the same for a while, then took a break (funny term....took a break into a world where no one did the cleaning), and am ready to jump back in. My head knows it's good and ok and right; the other part of my head never wants my grandmother to find out. :)