Sunday, June 24, 2007

I began reading "The Rise of the Creative Class" this weekend. You may imagine that most of my conversations in the past few days were centered around these new ideologies of what cultivates a creative culture.

As a group of friends and I were enjoying iced coffee at Starbucks, conversation went in the direction of differing cultures and the social implications that follow. From the American perspective to a New Zealand perspective. From an Irish to an Australian's view. Then to a collective sigh as we agreed that, either way, it's a Western thought process ... privileged with an opportunity to dream (unlike many of our Eastern neighbors).

Hmmm. Pretty deep for an afternoon break at the Bucks. But I have to admit it was even more quenching than my tasty beverage.

The conversation continued to morph into a spastic exchange of stories of an emerging class of creatives that are bringing innovation to all ends of the earth. After a few minutes of excitement and lessons in history, my ability to understand the information dwindled. And then I realized something incredible. I was having coffee with four individuals, who are my age, from different countries.

Although their dialect became more difficult to understand as the conversation became more intense, I knew we were all speaking the same language.

We all have a story. We've traveled far and wide to be a part of the synergy taking place in L.A. And we all have a vision to contribute something unique to make the world better ... one nation at a time.

Did I mention how much I love L.A.?


kim said...

That is awesome awesome awesome. Remember back when you were thinking, 'Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't move to L.A.'

Yeah. Good decision made. Possibly was you hearing God's actual will for you. :)

kim said...

Are you the krysta on Anne's site who's in denial about a need to simplify?

krysta rinke said...

haha! yes i am. i only think i should simplify my life when i leave l.a. or get out of the city and have a chance to breath. BUT, since i spend most of my time here ... i think i'll hold off on that :)