Thursday, August 23, 2007

loy·al·ty (loi'əl-tē)

1. A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection.
2. Feelings of allegiance.

This ...

is the antithesis of loyalty.

I was sitting in Starbucks last week on Sunset/La Brea and I noticed a sleeve sitting on my table from Coffee Bean.

I have to say, I was a little offended. I mean, Starbucks customers are adamant about consuming the luxuries of the Bucks beans. Besides, the legendary service is unbeatable! HOWEVER, someone made it into my 3rd place without a care in the world about the grande experience they were paying $4.32 for.

How is it that we won them over enough to get them to pay too much for a common product, yet we couldn't capture their hearts enough to keep them from seeing us as a sloppy second?

I know we can't make everyone a fanatic of our products. But wouldn't it be nice to know that, even in the most superficial/image driven place on earth, we could at least sell an idea that was constant?

I realized something that day. I don't want to be around people who just want a refill ...

(note: don't take this one too seriously)