Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'll post something more interesting later, but right now something is irritating me.

For those of you that don't live in California with me, you should know that my life has been like a movie lately. The kind of movie I like ... with the independent starlet who finds romance in the big city and finds herself whisked away on spontaneous adventures and recapping the madness with her close girlfriends over weekend brunches.

Some call them chick flicks. I call them goodness.

Here's the problem. Some of the people I share life with don't want to hear about the unexpected turn of events in my life. Instead, they refer me to others who have the same lot.

Why is it that when something good happens to someone, we can't share the excitement with them? Why is it that we seem to be more interested in sharing life with people who are less fortunate (or at least equally as unfortunate)? I know it makes us feel better about ourselves, but geez. Throw me a freaking bone.

I didn't plan this for myself. There is no way I could have dreamed this life up for myself. And I'm grateful. I'm grateful that God is so intentional about pursuing me even though I had already committed to my own plans (with or without Him).

To not be able to have conversations about what He's doing in my life because it makes you uncomfortable, puts me in a position where I don't feel like I deserve it until Hope comes to you in the way you're hoping it will.

It's not about me. It's not about you. It's about the conversation that God is having with us. I'm trying to process what He's saying and I wish I could have the ears of those closest to me. Perhaps we'll be able to talk again when there is an understanding that He's pursuing you just as passionately.

1 comment:

Korey said...

God is telling you something, and I hope both of you can listen...