Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I miss the patriotism. The passion. The purpose we all felt in rebuilding our communities.

We became rebels in our own land that day.

As rebels, we fought so hard to stick it to the man and move towards domination of the things that robbed us of our values. We were very aware of what we were fighting against. But there came a point when the line became blurred and we forget what we were actually for.

I remember the days after 9-11-01. I was surrounded by people who were certain that what they were for was justice, freedom, community and an unbridled patriotism. Now, six years later, those same people are no longer petitioning congress, inviting neighbors over for a summer BBQ or proudly flying their American flags.

Today, I'm at the same cross roads. In my passionate pursuit to change all the things I hate in the world, I've forgotten what my motivation was. And worse ... what I'm fighting for ...

Today I remember the death of a friend who fought for a better future on the battlefields of Iraq.

And today, I begin asking myself ... for what am I willing to lay down my life?


Korey said...

I have had the same thought...remember how exciting it was to see the flags everywhere and to have patriotism held as important? I think it was just refreshing to see people that were actually passionate about something. That passion is missing. Why is it popular now to pretend as though nothing matters to you? You should ask yourself what truly matters to you, and in my mind, this should not be a short list.

kim said...

Excellent. When I begin to ask myself that question...for what am I willing to lay down my life.... it's chilling that some of the things I'd name aren't actually a part of my life right now. What's with that?

krysta rinke said...

so freaking true. ugh.