Monday, May 12, 2008

even though i don't live in hollywood's notorious hills, i have grown accustomed to the ways of the "industry" and the free spirited, creative nature of those who flock to the great city of l.a.

but this week i find myself on another hill ... THE HILL ... capitol hill.

as i've mentioned several times, i'm an activist at the core and always will be. here, i am surrounded by my eternal love for law and policy (both of which have made their way out of the great city in which i now reside) and am finding myself surprisingly energized by this completely different expression of creativity.

i have walked through hallways of some of the nation's greatest minds.
peered over the same land that some of our nation's greatest movements began.
stood on the exact stone that men and women i admire have spoken words that have touched even my generation.

just today, i was sitting in the supreme court, staring with a child-like wonder at the justices as they delivered a decision. i flinched each time the court marshall pounded the gavel and wondered if the others in the room felt as priveledged as i to be among individuals of such influence. as we left the court room, we quickly found ourselves in the board room of a think tank, spending hours interacting with top researchers of policy reform.

nerdy, i know.

but this is what i live for.

to better understand. to gather enough facts to make an educated decision. to solve problems and think strategically. to be around brilliant minds who want nothing more than to make a significant impact in human history.

there is something about this hill that is invigorating. not more or less than the other, but certainly a timely reminder that there are more ways, than simply those in which we are most familiar, to change the world.

1 comment:

Korey said...

I totally feel you on this one. I would be the same way. I always try to soak in every facet my surroundings, and I too have pondered those who have walked on the very same stones. Heck, I even marveled at the OC Courthouse. I love the process! Bring it on! I hope you thouroughly enjoy every moment!