Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i like to explore.

usually that manifests itself in the form of travel, but today ... i think i'll flesh it out through an emotion ...


(you know this is going to be good)

yesterday, while i was on the train, i chose to make a conscience effort to love without cowering to my fear of looking weak or ignorant in the process.

because love isn't ultimately about me. (duh, right?)

that's just a misconception i picked up from the same people that caused me to fear love to begin with.

so, i'm trying it out for a while ... see how i like it.

disclaimer: although this will translate into multiple aspects of my life, it primarily effects my brave boyfriend who, for more than a year, has had to watch me retreat when i realize i am too close to vulnerability for any level of comfort.

1 comment:

Korey said...

I'll be staying tuned... :)