Monday, December 1, 2008

i feel like there is much to talk about after my nearly 5 day hiatus, but the only thing running through my mind is the fact that it's december.

december folks.

i feel like it was just february a month ago. is this what happens when you get older? or is something seriously wrong with the universe?

does anyone else feel pressured by the beginning of a new year? so many expectations, goals, new hopes and dreams to be pursued ... aaackkk! I'M NOT READY!!!

i suppose, ready or not, we are now looking straight into the eyes of christmas season madness. funny how that works. i woke up yesterday in mexico, celebrating the last few bites of goodness this thankgiving season brought. and then magically ended up at a winter wonderland in l.a. with christmas lights lining the hills of griffith park and carols ringing in my ears. how do they manage to have this stuff prepared by the day after thanksgiving without us noticing?

the good part is that i'm no longer complaining about the absence of fall. those feelings stand no chance against the hustle and bustle of department stores, seasonal decorations and christmas music playing non-stop on every radio station.

today, i feel i have no choice but to embrace the reality that another year is coming to an end and accept the challenge to prepare for the next. it just seems so premature to be planning for a new year when i still have so much i want to accomplish in this one.

i don't remember being in such angst before about the transition of from one year to another. which takes me back to one of my original questions ... is this what happens when you get older?

1 comment:

Vicki said...

the days move more quickly as you age. i find myself hurrying to do everything i want to do,go everywhere i want to go, learn what i'm able. at 60+ i realize i don't have all the time in the world as i thought i did at 30, 40 or 50.