Wednesday, April 18, 2007

having just left las vegas, i have one question in mind:

what type of person/leader can convince successful business men and women to invest millions of dollars into building small empires in the middle of nowhere (literally) because they ANTICIPATE that one day it will be one of the most saught after destinations for a get-away?

think about it (if you already haven’t). they created something desireable from nothing. even people who live in nevada or california still have to travel hours to get to the strip. hours. that’s how far ANY civilization is from vegas. yet, someone was able to generate enough interest among people who could actually make this thing happen – by, i’m sure, providing a concise vision and clear direction – and now look. incredible.

is there any way, as a follower of Christ, i’ll ever be able to help create a movement in the middle of no where that is so powerful, people will flock to participate? or is the point of the Gospel to meet people where they are and evolve what already exists into something tangible and saught after?

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