Wednesday, April 18, 2007

lessons from the road

(August 23rd, 2006)

as i sat in my car, waiting on my first interview in l.a. to begin, i made a little time to document what my little excursion taught me:

1. growing up in kansas has afforded me too much space and room to roam on the road, which consequently, puts me in a rather irritated state of mind when i’m stuck in the middle of a freeway, seven lanes wide, in imovable traffic, trying to veer right to my impending exit.

2. you have to really want to go where you’re going or at least enjoy the route you’re taking in order to maintain a healthy level of sanity.

3. the carpool lane isn’t always faster, but i think i’d pay someone to ride with me on these daily road trips just so i felt my time was being well spent.

all-in-all, i’ve come to understand that we are constantly going to be stuck in “traffic.” some days moving right along, others in complete stand-stills with your exit in view. either way, if we don’t embrace the fact that either is a possibility and just roll with it, knowing that some things are just out of our control, we’ll come out better in the end (and maybe even make it to our destination in one piece). if you’re worried about the journey you’re on … there is always the carpool option so others can share in the journey.

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