Wednesday, April 25, 2007

"Do not stand in the center if you do not wish to be shaken. There is always danger when the movement comes. Its force is most powerful underneath the surface, then breaks through the hardest of ground. Epic change moves from the inside out." -Ayden, The Perils of Ayden

Something monumental is happening. What is brewing in the depths of my soul ... the deep groanings that I can barely hear ... are slowly making their way to the surface. The eerie cry that beats inside of me is awakening the world around me and I'm actually beginning to believe I have a message that it longs to hear. As I struggle through my own identity crisis, I find pieces of my core in the memoirs of my past and in the glimpses of my future. Both are beckoning me ... taunting me with idealistic scenarios of an adventurous life. My fear of regression keeps me from abandoning even the smallest pieces of my existing status that I feel are equally as detrimental as those in my previous journey. It's almost as if my desire to find equilibrium in the middle is stifled by the chance that I may forfeit all that I've become. Understanding sets in that I wasn't made to live in either extremities of the pendulum swing. If only I could combine the chaos to create an authentic expression that satisfies the cravings of my soul.

It's in these brief hours of opposition, however, that a warrior emerges from behind the confusion. It's in these moments ... the moments where I am one step closer to a point of impact ... that I am reunited with the truest of myself. For though I am shaken, I will not be destroyed. And that brings me peace for the night.

Tomorrow is another chance to find what I'm made of.

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